graphics / atelierkvde

atelierkvde is responsible for concept, design, layout, etc. for ...

- laGeste (logo, website (concept and design), graphics, corporate id, ...)
- kabinet k (website (concept and design), graphics, corporate id, ...)
- les ballets C de la B (logo, website (concept and design), graphics, corporate id, ...)
- action zoo humain (graphics and publications)
- jardinCOUR publications (all concept and design)
- photobook "S" by Gert Jochems (layout and prepress, (published bij hannibal))
- catalogue expo fotografie HERONTDEKT curated by Stefaan Dewolf & Daniel Libbens (published by zebrastraat)
- writer marleen nelen (website (concept, design and development))
- Geo-MX (logo, website (concept, design and development), corporate id, ...)
- a.o. ...

for more info about possible collaborations, please contact us at